5 & 16 GHz Sampler Extended Real Time Oscilloscopes
The PicoScope 9400 Series SXRTOs are a new class of oscilloscopes that combine the benefits of real-time sampling, random equivalent-time sampling and high analog bandwidth:
PicoScope 9400 Series SXRTO
- SXRTO (sampler-extended real-time oscilloscope)
- 9404-16 and 9402-16: 16 GHz bandwidth, 22 ps transition time and 2.5 TS/s (0.4 ps resolution) random equivalent-time sampling
- 9404-05 and 9402-05: 5 GHz bandwidth, 70 ps transition time and 1 TS/s (1 ps resolution) random equivalent-time sampling
- Pulse, eye and mask testing down to 45 ps and up to 11 Gb/s
- 12-bit 500 MS/s ADCs
- Intuitive and configurable touch-compatible Windows user interface
- Comprehensive built-in measurements, zooms, data masks and histograms
- ±800 mV full-scale input range into 50 Ω
- 10 mV/div to 0.25 V/div digital gain ranges
- Up to 250 kS trace length, shared between channels
- Optional clock recovery trigger on all models – 5 or 8 Gb/s
- Recovered clock and data outputs
The PicoScope 9400 Series sampler-extended real-time oscilloscopes (SXRTOs) have two or four high-bandwidth 50 Ω input channels with market-leading ADC, timing and display resolutions for accurately measuring and visualizing high-speed analog and data signals. They are ideal for capturing pulse and step transitions down to 22 ps, impulse down to 100 ps, and clocks and data eyes to 8 Gb/s (with optional clock recovery).
The PicoScope SXRTOs offer random sampling, which can readily analyze high-bandwidth applications that involve repetitive signals or clock-related streams. Unlike other sampling methods, random sampling allows capture of pre-trigger data and does not require a separate clock input.
The SXRTO is fast, with quick generation of random sampling waveforms, persistence displays and statistics. The PicoScope 9400 Series has a built-in internal trigger on every channel, with pre-trigger random sampling to well above the Nyquist (real-time) sampling rat(f) input, and three acquisition modes—real-time, random and roll—all capture at 12-bit resolution into a shared memory of up to 250 kS.
e. Bandwidth is up to 16 GHz behind a 50 Ω SMA
The PicoSample 4 software is derived from our existing PicoSample 3 sampling oscilloscope software, which embodies over ten years of development, customer feedback and optimization.
The display can be resized to fit any window and fully utilize available display resolution, 4K and even larger or across multiple monitors. Four independent zoom channels can show you different views of your data down to a resolution of 0.4 ps. Most of the controls and status panels can be shown or hidden according to your application, allowing you to make optimal use of the display area.
A 2.5 GHz direct trigger can be driven from any input channel, and a built-in divider can extend the off-channel trigger bandwidth to 5 GHz. On the 16 GHz models, a further external prescaled trigger input allows stable trigger from signals of up to 16 GHz bandwidth and, from the internal triggers, recovered clock trigger is available (if optional clock recovery is fitted) at up to 8 Gb/s. With this option, recovered clock and data are both available on SMA outputs on the rear panel. The price you pay for your PicoScope SXRTO is the price you pay for everything – we don’t charge you for software features or updates.
These compact units are small enough to place on your workbench close to the device under test. Now, instead of using remote probe heads attached to a large benchtop unit, all you need is a short, low-loss coaxial cable. Everything else you need is built into the oscilloscope, with no expensive hardware or software add-ons to worry about, and we don’t charge you for new software features and updates.
Typical applications
- Telecom and radar test, service and manufacturing
- Optical fiber, transceiver and laser testing (optical to electrical conversion not included)
- RF, microwave and gigabit digital system measurements
- Signal, eye, pulse and impulse characterization
- Precision timing and phase analysis
- Digital system design and characterization
- Eye diagram, mask and limits test up to 8 Gb/s
- Clock and data recovery at up to 8 Gb/s
- Ethernet, HDMI 1, PCI, SATA and USB 2.0
- Semiconductor characterization
- Signal, data and pulse/impulse integrity and pre-compliance testing
High-bandwidth probes
The PicoConnect 900 Series low-impedance, high-bandwidth probes are ideal companions for the PicoScope 9400 Series, allowing cost-effective fingertip browsing of fast signals. Two series are available:
- RF, microwave and pulse probes for broadband signals up to 5 GHz (10 Gb/s)
- Gigabit probes for data streams such as USB 2, HDMI 1, Ethernet, PCIe and SATA
Other features
Bandwidth limit filters
A selectable analog bandwidth limiter (100 or 450 MHz, model-dependent) on each input channel can be used to reject high frequencies and associated noise. The narrow setting can be used as an anti-alias filter in real-time sampling modes.
Frequency counter
A built-in fast and accurate frequency counter shows signal frequency (or period) at all times, regardless of measurement and timebase settings and with a resolution of 1 ppm.
Clock and data recovery
Clock and data recovery (CDR) is now available as a factory-fit optional trigger feature on all models.
Associated with high-speed serial data applications, clock and data recovery will already be familiar to PicoScope 9300 users. While low-speed serial data can often be accompanied by its clock as a separate signal, at high speed this approach would accumulate timing skew and jitter between the clock and the data that could prevent accurate data decode. Thus high-speed data receivers will generate a new clock, and using a phase-locked loop technique they will lock and align that new clock to the incoming data stream. This is the recovered clock and it can be used to decode and thus recover data accurately. We have also saved the cost of an entire clock signal path by now needing only the serial data signal.
In many applications requiring our oscilloscopes to view the data, the data generator and its clock will be close at hand and we can trigger off that clock. However, if only the data is available (at the far end of an optical fiber for instance), we will need the CDR option to recover the clock and then trigger off that instead. We may also need to use the CDR option in demanding eye and jitter measurements. This is because we want our instrument to measure as exactly as possible the signal quality that a recovered clock and data receiver will see.
When fitted, the PicoScope 9400 CDR option can be selected as the trigger source from any input channel. Additionally, for use by other instruments or by downstream system elements, two SMA(f) outputs present recovered clock and recovered data on the rear panel.
PicoScope 9404-05 |
PicoScope 9402-05 |
PicoScope 9404-16 |
PicoScope 9402-16 |
Vertical | ||||
Number of input channels | 4 | 2 | 4 | 2 |
All channels are identical and digitized simultaneously. | ||||
Analog bandwidth (–3 dB)[1] | Full: DC to 5 GHz | Full: DC to 16 GHz | ||
Middle: DC to 450 MHz | N/A | Middle: DC to 450 MHz | N/A | |
Narrow: DC to 100 MHz | DC to 450 MHz | Narrow: DC to 100 MHz | DC to 450 MHz | |
Passband flatness | Full: ±1 dB to 3 GHz | Full: ±1 dB to 5 GHz | ||
Calculated rise time (tR), typical | Calculated from the bandwidth. 10% to 90%: calculated from tR = 0.35/BW 20% to 80%: calculated from tR = 0.25/BW |
Full: 10% to 90%: ≤ 70 ps, 20% to 80%: ≤ 50 ps | Full: 10% to 90%: ≤ 21.9 ps, 20% to 80%: ≤ 15.6 ps | |||
Middle: 10% to 90%: ≤ 780 ps, 20% to 80%: ≤ 560 ps | N/A | 10% to 90%: ≤ 780 ps 20% to 80%: ≤ 560 ps |
N/A | |
Narrow: 10% to 90%: ≤ 3.5 ns. 20% to 80%: ≤ 2.5 ns | 10% to 90%: ≤ 780 ps 20% to 80%: ≤ 560 ps |
10% to 90%: ≤ 3.5 ns 20% to 80%: ≤ 2.5 ns |
10% to 90%: ≤ 780 ps 20% to 80%: ≤ 560 ps |
Step response, typical |
Full bandwidth Overshoot: < 8% Middle bandwidth Overshoot: < 6% Narrow bandwidth Overshoot: < 5% |
N/A | ||
RMS noise | Full: 1.8 mV, maximum, 1.6 mV, typical | Full: 2.4 mV, maximum, 2.2 mV, typical | ||
Middle: 0.8 mV, maximum, 0.65 mV, typical | N/A | Middle: 0.8 mV, maximum, 0.65 mV, typical | N/A | |
Narrow: 0.6 mV, maximum, 0.45 mV, typical | 0.8 mV, maximum, 0.65 mV typ. | Narrow: 0.6 mV, maximum, 0.45 mV, typical | 0.8 mV, maximum, 0.65 mV typ. | |
Scale factors (sensitivity) | 10 mV/div to 250 mV/div Full scale is 8 vertical divisions Adjustable in a 10-12.5-15-20-25-30-40-50-60-80-100-125-150-200-250 mV/div sequence. Also adjustable in 1% fine increments or better. With manual or calculator data entry the increment is 0.1 mV/div. |
DC gain accuracy | ±2% of full scale. ±1.5% of full scale, typical | |||
Position range | ±4 divisions from center screen | |||
DC offset range | Adjustable from –1 V to +1 V in 10 mV increments (coarse). Also adjustable in fine increments of 2 mV. With manual or calculator data entry the increment is 0.01 mV for offset between –99.9 and 99.9 mV, and 0.1 mV for offset between –999.9 and 999.9 mV. Referenced to the center of display graticule |
Offset accuracy | ±2 mV ±2% of offset setting (±1 mV ±1% typical) | |||
Operating input voltage | ±800 mV | |||
Vertical zoom and position | For all input channels, waveform memories, or functions Vertical factor: 0.01 to 100 Vertical position: ±800 divisions maximum of zoomed waveform |
Channel-to-channel crosstalk (channel isolation) | ≥ 50 dB (316:1) for input frequency DC to 1 GHz ≥ 40 dB (100:1) for input frequency > 1 GHz to 3 GHz |
≥ 36 dB (63:1) for input frequency > 3 GHz to ≤ 5 GHz | ≥ 36 dB (63:1) for input frequency > 3 GHz to ≤ 16 GHz | |||
Delay between channels | ≤ 10 ps, typical Between any two channels, full bandwidth, random sampling |
ADC resolution | 12 bits | |||
Hardware vertical resolution | 0.4 mV/LSB without averaging | |||
Overvoltage protection | ±1.4 V (DC + peak AC) | |||
Input impedance | 50 Ω ±1.5 Ω (50 Ω ±1 Ω typical) | |||
Input match | Reflections for 70 ps rise time: 10% or less | Reflections for 50 ps rise time: 10% or less. | ||
Input coupling | DC | |||
Input connectors | SMA female | |||
Internal probe power | 6.0 W total maximum with PSU as supplied. | N/A | 6.0 W total maximum with PSU as supplied. | N/A |
Probe power per probe | 3.3 V: 100 mA maximum 12 V: 500 mA maximum to total probe power stated above. |
3.3 V: 100 mA maximum 12 V: 500 mA maximum to total probe power stated above. |
Attenuation | Attenuation factors may be entered to scale the oscilloscope for external attenuators connected to the channel inputs Range: 0.0001:1 to 1 000 000:1 Units: ratio or dB Scale: volt, watt, ampere, or unknown |
PicoScope 9404-05 | PicoScope 9402-05 | PicoScope 9404-16 | PicoScope 9402-16 | |
Horizontal | ||||
Timebase | Internal timebase common to all input channels. | |||
Timebase range | Full horizontal scale is 10 divisions Real time sampling: 10 ns/div to 1000 s/div |
Random equivalent time sampling: 50 ps/div to 5 µs/div |
20 ps/div to 5 μs/div | |||
Roll: 100 ms/div to 1000 s/div Segmented: Total number of segments: 2 to 1024. Rearm time between segments: <1 μs (trigger hold-off setting dependent) |
Horizontal zoom and position | For all input channels, waveform memories, or functions Horizontal factor: From 1 to 2000 Horizontal position: From 0% to 100% non-zoomed waveform |
Timebase clock accuracy | Frequency: 500 MHz Initial set tolerance: ±10 ppm @ 25 °C ±3 °C Overall frequency stability: ±50 ppm over operating temperature range |
Aging | ±7 ppm over 10 years @ 25 °C | |||
Timebase resolution | 1.0 ps | 0.4 ps | ||
Delta time measurement accuracy | ±(50 ppm * reading + 0.1% * screen width + 5 ps) | |||
Pre-trigger delay | Record length ÷ current sampling rate (when delay = 0) | |||
Post-trigger delay | 0 to 4.28 s. Coarse increment is one horizontal scale division, fine increment is 0.1 horizontal scale division, manual or calculator increment is 0.01 horizontal scale division. | |||
Channel-to-channel deskew range | ±50 ns range. Coarse increment is 100 ps, fine increment is 10 ps. With manual or calculator data entry the increment is four significant digits or 1 ps. |
PicoScope 9404-05 |
PicoScope 9402-05 |
PicoScope 9404-16 |
PicoScope 9402-16 |
Acquisition | ||||
Sampling modes | Real time: Captures all of the sample points used to reconstruct a waveform during a single trigger event Random equivalent time: Acquires sample points over several trigger events, requiring the input waveform to be repetitive Roll: Acquisition data will be displayed in a rolling fashion starting from the right side of the display and continuing to the left side of the display (while the acquisition is running) |
Maximum sampling rate | Real time: 500 MS/s per channel simultaneously | |||
Random equivalent time:: Up to 1 TS/s or 1 ps trigger placement resolution) | Random equivalent time: Up to 2.5 TS/s or 0.4 ps trigger placement resolution | |||
Record length | Real time sampling: From 50 S/ch to 250 kS/ch for one channel, to 125 kS/ch for two channels, to 50 kS/ch for three and four channels Random equivalent time sampling: From 500 S/ch to 250 kS/ch for one channel, to 125 kS/ch for two channels, to 50 kS/ch for three and four channels |
Duration at highest real-time sampling rate | 0.5 ms for one channel, 0.25 ms for two channels, 0.125 ms for three and four channels | |||
Acquisition modes | Sample (normal): Acquires first sample in decimation interval and displays results without further processing Average: Average value of samples in decimation interval. Number of waveforms for average: 2 to 4096. Envelope: Envelope of acquired waveforms. Minimum, Maximum or both Minimum and Maximum values acquired over one or more acquisitions. Number of acquisitions is from 2 to 4096 in ×2 sequence and continuously. Peak detect: Largest and smallest sample in decimation interval. Minimum pulse width: 1/(sampling rate) or 2 ns @ 50 µs/div or faster for single channel. High resolution: Averages all samples taken during an acquisition interval to create a record point. This average results in a higher-resolution, lower-bandwidth waveform. Resolution can be expanded to 12.5 bits or more, up to 16 bits. Segmented: Segmented memory optimizes available memory for data streams that have long dead times between activity. Number of segments: 2 to 1024 Dead time between segments: 3 µs User can view selected segment, overlaid segments or selected plus overlay. Search segments: step through, gated block and binary search. Segments are delta and absolute time stamped. |
PicoScope 9404-05 | PicoScope 9402-05 | PicoScope 9404-16 | PicoScope 9402-16 | |
Trigger | ||||
Trigger sources | Internal from any of four channels. | Internal from any of two channels. External Direct. |
Internal from any of four channels. External Prescaled. |
Internal from any of two channels. External Direct. External Prescale. |
Trigger mode | Freerun: Triggers automatically but not synchronized to the input in absence of trigger event. Normal (triggered): Requires trigger event for oscilloscope to trigger. Single: SW button that triggers only once on a trigger event. Not suitable for random equivalent-time sampling |
Internal trigger coupling | DC | |||
Internal trigger style | Edge: Triggers on a rising and falling edge of any source from DC to 2.5 GHz. Divider: The trigger source is divided down four times (/4) before being applied to the trigger system. It has a trigger frequency range up to 5 GHz. |
Clock recovery (optional): This trigger is used when the trigger signal is an NRZ data pattern with any data rate between 6.5 Mb/s and 5 Gb/s | Clock recovery (optional): This trigger is used when the trigger signal is an NRZ data pattern with any data rate between 6.5 Mb/s and 8 Gb/s | |||
Trigger holdoff mode | Time or random | |||
Trigger holdoff range | Holdoff by time: Adjustable from 500 ns to 15 s in a 1-2-5-10 sequence or in 4 ns fine increments Random: This mode varies the trigger holdoff from one acquisition to another by randomizing the time value between triggers. The randomized time values can be between the values specified in the Min Holdoff and Max Holdoff. |
Bandwidth and sensitivity | Low sensitivity: 100 mV p-p DC to 100 MHz. Increasing linearly from 100 mV p-p at 100 MHz to 200 mV p-p at 5 GHz. Pulse width: 100 ps @ 200 mV p-p typical. High sensitivity: 30 mV p-p DC to 100 MHz. Increasing linearly from 30 mV p-p at 100 MHz to 70 mV p-p at 5 GHz. Pulse width: 100 ps @ 70 mV p-p. |
Internal trigger level range | –1 V to 1 V in 10 mV increments (coarse). Also adjustable in fine increments of 1 mV. | |||
Edge trigger slope | Positive: Triggers on rising edge Negative: Triggers on falling edge Bi-slope: Triggers on both edges of the signal |
RMS internal trigger jitter | Combined trigger and interpolator jitter + delay clock stability Edge and divided trigger: 2 ps + 0.1 ppm of delay, maximum Clock recovery trigger (optional): 2 ps + 1.0% of unit interval + 0.1 ppm delay, maximum |
PicoScope 9404-16 | PicoScope 9402-16 | |
External prescaled trigger | ||
Coupling | 50 Ω, AC coupled, fixed level zero volts | |
Bandwidth and sensitivity | 200 mV p-p from 1 GHz to 16 GHz (sine wave input) | |
RMS jitter | 2 ps + 0.1 ppm of delay, maximum. For trigger input slope > 2 V/ns. Combined trigger and interpolator jitter + delay clock stability | |
Prescaler ratio | Divided by 1 / 2 /4 / 8, programmable | |
Maximum safe input voltage | ±2 V (DC+peak AC) | 3 V p-p |
Input connector | SMA female |
PicoScope 9402-05 | PicoScope 9402-16 | |
External direct trigger | ||
Style | Edge: Triggers on a rising and falling edge of any source from DC to 2.5 GHz. | |
Divide: Trigger source divided by 4 before input to the trigger system. Max. trigger frequency 5 GHz. | ||
Clock recovery (optional): 6.5 Mb/s to 5 Gb/s | 6.5 Mb/s to 8 Gb/s | |
Coupling | DC | |
Bandwidth and sensitivity |
Low: 100 mV p-p DC to 100 MHz. Increasing linearly from 100 mV p-p at 100 MHz to 200 mV p-p at 5 GHz. Pulse width: 100 ps @ 200 mV p-p typical. High: 30 mV p-p DC to 100 MHz. Increasing linearly from 30 mV p-p at 100 MHz to 70 mV p-p at 5 GHz. Pulse width: 100 ps @ 70 mV p-p. |
Level range | –1 V to 1 V. 10 mV coarse increments. 1 mV fine increments. |
Slope | Slope Rising, falling, bi-slope | |
RMS jitter, edge and divided | 2 ps + 0.1 ppm of delay, max. | |
RMS jitter, clock recovery (optional) | 2 ps + 1.0% of unit interval + 0.1 ppm of delay, maximum | |
Maximum safe input voltage | ±3 V (DC+peak AC) | |
Input connector | SMA(f) |
Display | |
Persistence | Off: No persistence Variable persistence: Time that each data point is retained on the display. Persistence time can be varied from 100 ms to 20 s. Infinite persistence: In this mode, a waveform sample point is displayed forever. Variable Gray Scaling: Five levels of a single color that is varied in saturation and luminosity. Refresh time can be varied from 1 s to 200 s. Infinite Gray Scaling: In this mode, a waveform sample point is displayed forever in five levels of a single color. Variable Color Grading: With Color Grading selected, historical timing information is represented by a temperature or spectral color scheme providing “z-axis” information about rapidly changing waveforms. Refresh time can be varied from 1 to 200 s. Infinite Color Grading: In this mode, a waveform sample point is displayed forever by a temperature or spectral color scheme. |
Style | Dots: Displays waveforms without persistence, each new waveform record replaces the previously acquired record for a channel. Vector: This function draws a straight line through the data points on the display. Not suited to multi-value signals such as a displayed eye diagram. |
Graticule | Full Grid, Axes with tick marks, Frame with tick marks, Off (no graticule). |
Format | Auto: Automatically places, adds or deletes graticules as you select more or fewer waveforms to display. Single XT: All waveforms are superimposed and are eight divisions high. Dual YT: With two graticules, all waveforms can be four divisions high, displayed separately or superimposed. Quad YT: With four graticules, all waveforms can be two divisions high, displayed separately or superimposed. When you select dual or quad screen display, every waveform channel, memory and function can be placed on a specified graticule. XY: Displays voltages of two waveforms against each other. The amplitude of the first waveform is plotted on the horizontal X axis and the amplitude of the second waveform is is plotted on the vertical Y axis. XY + YT: Displays both XY and YT pictures. The YT format appears on the upper part of the screen, and the XY format on the lower part of the screen. The YT format display area is one screen and any displayed waveforms are superimposed. XY + 2YT: Displays both YT and XY pictures. The YT format appears on the upper part of the screen, and the XY format on the lower part of the screen. The YT format display area is divided into two equal screens. Tandem: Displays graticules to the left and to the right. |
Colors | You may choose a default color selection, or select your own color set. Different colors are used for displaying selected items: background, channels, functions, waveform memories, FFTs, TDR/TDTs, and histograms. |
Trace annotation | The instrument gives you the ability to add an identifying label, bearing your own text, to a waveform display. For each waveform, you can create multiple labels and turn them all on or all off. Also, you can position them on the waveform by dragging or by specifying an exact horizontal position. |
Save/Recall | |
Management | Store and recall setups, waveforms and user mask files to any drive on your PC. Storage capacity is limited only by disk space. |
File extensions | Waveform files: .wfm for binary format .txt for verbose format (text) .txty for Y values formats (text) Database files: .wdb Setup files: .set User mask files: .pcm |
Operating system | Microsoft Windows 7, 8 and 10, 32-bit and 64-bit. |
Waveform save/recall | Up to four waveforms may be stored into the waveform memories (M1 to M4), and then recalled for display. |
Save to/recall from disk | You can save or recall your acquired waveforms to or from any drive on the PC. To save a waveform, use the standard Windows Save as dialog box. From this dialog box you can create subdirectories and waveform files, or overwrite existing waveform files. You can load, into one of the Waveform Memories, a file with a waveform you have previously saved and then recall it for display. |
Save/recall setups | The instrument can store complete setups in the memory and then recall them. |
Screen image | You can copy a screen image into the clipboard with the following formats: Full Screen, Full Window, Client Part, Invert Client Part, Oscilloscope Screen and Oscilloscope Screen. |
Autoscale | Pressing the Autoscale key automatically adjusts the vertical channels, the horizontal scale factors, and the trigger level for a display appropriate to the signals applied to the inputs. The Autoscale feature requires a repetitive signal with a frequency greater than 100 Hz, duty cycle greater than 0.2%, amplitudes greater than 100 mV p-p. Autoscale is operative only for relatively stable input signals. |
Marker | |
Marker type | X-Marker: vertical bars (measure time). Y-Marker: horizontal bars (measure volts). XY-Marker: waveform markers. |
Marker measurements | Absolute, Delta, Volt, Time, Frequency, Slope. |
Marker motion | Independent: both markers can be adjusted independently. Paired: both markers can be adjusted together. |
Ratiometric measurements | Provide ratiometric measurements between measured and reference values. These measurements give results in such ratiometric units as %, dB, and degrees. |
PicoScope 9404-05 |
PicoScope 9402-05 |
PicoScope 9404-16 |
PicoScope 9402-16 |
Measure | ||||
Automated measurements | Up to ten simultaneous measurements are supported at the same time. | |||
Automatic parametric | 53 automatic measurements available. | |||
Amplitude measurements | Maximum, Minimum, Top, Base, Peak-Peak, Amplitude, Middle, Mean, Cycle Mean, DC RMS, Cycle DC RMS, AC RMS, Cycle AC RMS, Positive Overshoot, Negative Overshoot, Area, Cycle Area. | |||
Timing measurements | Period, Frequency, Positive Width, Negative Width, Rise Time, Fall Time, Positive Duty Cycle, Negative Duty Cycle, Positive Crossing, Negative Crossing, Burst Width, Cycles, Time at Maximum, Time at Minimum, Positive Jitter p-p, Positive Jitter RMS, Negative Jitter p-p, Negative Jitter RMS. | |||
Inter-signal measurements | Delay (8 options), Phase Deg, Phase Rad, Phase %, Gain, Gain dB. | |||
FFT measurements | FFT Magnitude, FFT Delta Magnitude, THD, FFT Frequency, FFT Delta Frequency. | |||
Measurement statistics | Displays current, minimum, maximum, mean and standard deviation on any displayed waveform measurements. | |||
Method of top-base definition | Histogram, Min/Max, or User-Defined (in absolute voltage). | |||
Thresholds | Upper, middle and lower horizontal bars settable in percentage, voltage or divisions. Standard thresholds are 10–50–90% or 20–50–80%. | |||
Margins | Any region of the waveform may be isolated for measurement using left and right margins (vertical bars). | |||
Measurement mode | Repetitive or Single-shot. | |||
Counter |
Built-in frequency counter. Direct trigger: 1 µHz to 2.5 GHz |
Source: Internal from any of four channels | Internal from any of two channels, External Direct |
Internal from any of four channels, External Prescaled |
Internal from any of two channels, External Direct, External Prescaled |
Resolution: 7 digits Maximum frequency: Internal trigger: 5 GHz. External prescaled trigger (16 GHz models only): 16 GHz. Measurement: Frequency, period Time reference: Internal 250 MHz reference clock |
Mathematics | |
Waveform math | Up to four math waveforms can be defined and displayed using math functions F1 to F4 |
Categories and math operators | Arithmetic: Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Ceil, Floor, Fix, Round, Absolute, Invert, Common, Rescale. Algebra: Exponentiation (e), Exponentiation (10), Exponentiation (a), Logarithm (e), Logarithm (10), Logarithm (a), Differentiate, Integrate, Square, Square Root, Cube, Power (a), Inverse, Square Root of the Sum. Trigonometry: Sine, Cosine, Tangent, Cotangent, ArcSine, Arc Cosine, ArcTangent, Arc Cotangent, Hyperbolic Sine, Hyperbolic Cosine, Hyperbolic Tangent, Hyperbolic Cotangent. FFT: Complex FFT, FFT Magnitude, FFT Phase, FFT Real part, FFT Imaginary part, Complex Inverse FFT, FFT Group Delay. Bit operator: AND, NAND, OR, NOR, XOR, XNOR, NOT. Miscellaneous: Autocorrelation, Correlation, Convolution, Track, Trend, Linear Interpolation, Sin(x)/x Interpolation, Smoothing. Formula editor: Build math waveforms using the Formula Editor control window. |
Operands | Any channel, waveform memory, math function, spectrum, or constant can be selected as a source for one of two operands. |
FFT | FFT frequency span: Frequency Span = Sample Rate / 2 = Record Length / (2 × Time base Range) FFT frequency resolution: Frequency Resolution = Sample Rate / Record Length FFT windows: The built-in filters (Rectangular, Hamming, Hann, Flattop, Blackman–Harris and Kaiser–Bessel) allow optimization of frequency resolution, transients, and amplitude accuracy. FFT measurements: Marker measurements can be made on frequency, delta frequency, magnitude, and delta magnitude. Marker measurements can be made on frequency, delta frequency, magnitude, and delta magnitude. Automated FFT Measurements include: FFT Magnitude, FFT Delta Magnitude, THD, FFT Frequency, and FFT Delta Frequency. |
Histogram | |
Histogram axis | Vertical, Horizontal or Off. Both vertical and horizontal histograms, with periodically updated measurements, allow statistical distributions to be analyzed over any region of the signal. |
Histogram measurement set | Scale, Offset, Hits in Box, Waveforms, Peak Hits, Pk-Pk, Median, Mean, Standard Deviation, Mean ±1 Std Dev, Mean ±2 Std Dev, Mean ±3 Std Dev, Min, Max-Max, Max. |
Histogram window | The histogram window determines which part of the database is used to plot the histogram. You can set the size of the histogram window to be any size that you want within the horizontal and vertical scaling limits of the scope. |
Eye diagram | |
Eye diagram | The PicoScope 9400 can automatically characterize an NRZ and RZ eye pattern. Measurements are based upon statistical analysis of the waveform. |
NRZ measurement set | X: Area, Bit Rate, Bit Time, Crossing Time, Cycle Area, Duty Cycle Distortion (%, s), Eye Width (%, s), Fall Time, Frequency, Jitter (p-p, RMS), Period, Rise Time Y: AC RMS, Crossing %, Crossing Level, Eye Amplitude, Eye Height, Eye Height dB, Max, Mean, Mid, Min, Negative Overshoot, Noise p-p (One, Zero), Noise RMS (One, Zero), One Level, Peak-Peak, Positive Overshoot, RMS, Signal-to-Noise Ratio, Signal- to-Noise Ratio dB, Zero Level. |
RZ measurement set | X: Area, Bit Rate, Bit Time, Cycle Area, Eye Width (%, s), Fall Time, Jitter P-p (Fall, Rise), Jitter RMS (Fall, Rise), Negative Crossing, Positive Crossing, Positive Duty Cycle, Pulse Symmetry, Pulse Width, Rise Time Y: AC RMS, Contrast Ratio (dB, %, ratio), Eye Amplitude, Eye High, Eye High dB, Eye Opening Factor, Max, Mean, Mid, Min, Noise P-p (One, Zero), Noise RMS (One, Zero), One Level, Peak-Peak, RMS, Signal-to-Noise, Zero Level. |
PicoScope 9402-05 PicoScope 9404-05 |
PicoScope 9402-16 PicoScope 9404-16 |
Mask test | ||
Mask test | Acquired signals are tested for fit outside areas defined by up to eight polygons. Any samples that fall within the polygon boundaries result in test failures. Masks can be loaded from disk, or created automatically or manually. | |
Mask creation | Create the following masks: Standard predefined Mask, Automask, Mask saved on disk, Create new mask, Edit any mask. | |
Standard masks | Standard predefined optical or standard electrical masks can be created. SONET/SDH: OC1/STMO (51.84 Mb/s) to FEC 2666 (2.6666 Gb/s) Fibre Channel: FC133 Electrical (132.8 Mb/s) to FC2125E Abs Gamma Tx.mask (2.125 Gb/s) Ethernet: 100BASE-BX10 (125 Mb/s) to 3.125 Gb/s 10GBase-CX4 Absolute TP2 (3.125 Gb/s) Infiniband: 2.5G InfiniBand Cable mask (2.5 Gb/s) to 2.5G InfiniBand Receiver mask (2.5 Gb/s) InfiniBand (2.5 Gb/s) XAUI: 3.125 Gb/s XAUI Far End (3.125 Gb/s) to XAUI-E Near (3.125 Gb/s) ITU G.703: DS1, 100 Ω twisted pair (1.544 Mb/s) to 155 Mb 1 Inv, 75 Ω coax (155.520 Mb/s) ANSI T1/102: DS1, 100 Ω twisted pair, (1.544 Mb/s) to STS3, 75 Ω coax, (155.520 Mb/s) RapidIO: RapidIO Serial Level 1, 1.25G Rx (1.25 Gb/s) to RapidIO Serial Level 1, 3.125G Tx SR (3.125 Gb/s) PCI Express: R1.0a 2.5G Add-in Card Transmitter Non-Transition bit mask (2.5 Gb/s) to R1.1 2.5G Transmitter Transition bit mask (2.5 Gb/s) Serial ATA: Ext Length, 1.5G 250 Cycle, Rx Mask (1.5 Gb/s) to Gen1m, 3.0G 5 Cycle, Tx Mask (3 Gb/s) |
Additional masks | Fibre Channel: FC4250 Optical PI Rev13 (4.25 Gb/s) to FC4250E Abs Gamma Tx.mask (4.25 Gb/s) Infiniband: 5.0G driver test point 1 (5 Gb/s), 5.0G driver test point 6 (5 Gb/s), 5.0G transmitter pins (5 Gb/s) PCI Express: R2.0 5.0G Add-in Card 35 dB Transmitter Non-Transition bit mask (5 Gb/s) to R2.1 5.0G Transmitter Transition bit mask (5 Gb/s) |
Mask margin | Available for industry-standard mask testing | |
Automask creation | Masks are created automatically for single-valued voltage signals. Automask specifies both delta X and delta Y tolerances. The failure actions are identical to those of limit testing. | |
Data collected during test | Total number of waveforms examined, number of failed samples, number of hits within each polygon boundary |
Calibrator output (PicoScope 9404 models only) | |
Calibrator output mode | DC, 1 kHz square, meander with frequency from 15.266 Hz to 500 kHz. |
Output DC level | Adjustable from –1 V to +1 V into 50 Ω. Coarse increment: 50 mV, fine increment: 1 mV. |
Output DC level accuracy | ±1 mV ±0.5% of output DC level |
Output impedance | 50 Ω nominal |
Rise/fall time | 150 ns, typical |
Output connectors | SMA female |
Trigger output (PicoScope 9404 models only) | |
Timing | Positive transition equivalent to acquisition trigger point. Negative transition after user holdoff. |
Low level | (–0.2 ±0.1) V. Measured into 50 Ω. |
Amplitude | (900 ±200) mV. Measured into 50 Ω. |
Rise time | 10% to 90%: ≤ 0.45 ns 20% to 80%: ≤ 0.3 ns |
RMS jitter | 2 ps or less |
Output delay | 4 ±1 ns |
Output coupling | DC coupled |
Output connectors | SMA female |
PicoScope 9402-05 PicoScope 9404-05 |
PicoScope 9402-16 PicoScope 9404-16 |
Clock recovery trigger – recovered data output (optional) | ||
Data rate | 6.5 Mb/s to 5 Gb/s | 6.5 Mb/s to 8 Gb/s |
Eye amplitude | 250 mV p-p, typical | |
Eye rise/fall time | 20%–80%: 75 ps, typical. Measured at PicoScope 9404-05 | 20%–80%: 50 ps, typical. Measured at PicoScope 9404-16 |
RMS jitter | 2 ps +1% of unit interval, typical | |
Output coupling | AC-coupled | |
Output connections | SMA female |
PicoScope 9402-05 PicoScope 9404-05 |
PicoScope 9402-16 PicoScope 9404-16 |
Clock recovery trigger – recovered clock output (optional) | ||
Output frequency | Full rate clock output, 3.25 MHz to 2.5 GHz | Full rate clock output, 3.25 MHz to 4 GHz |
Output amplitude | 250 mV p-p, typical | |
Output coupling | AC-coupled | |
Output connectors | SMA female |
PicoScope 9404-05 |
PicoScope 9402-05 |
PicoScope 9404-16 |
PicoScope 9402-16 |
Power requirement | ||||
Power supply voltage | +12 V ± 5% | |||
Power supply current | 2.6 A max. 3.3 A including active accessory loads | 1.8 A maximum | 2.7 A max. 3.3 A inclusive of active accessory loads | 1.8 A maximum |
Protection | Auto shutdown on excess or reverse voltage | |||
AC-DC adaptor | Universal adaptor supplied |
PC connection and software | ||
PicoScope 9402 models | PicoScope 9404 models | |
PC connection | USB 2.0 (high speed). Compatible with USB 3.0. | |
Ethernet LAN. | ||
PC operating system | Windows 7, 8 or 10 (32-bit or 64-bit version) |
Physical characteristics | ||
PicoScope 9404 models | PicoScope 9402 models | |
Dimensions | 245 x 60 x 232 mm (W x H x D) | 160 × 55 × 220 mm (W × H × D) |
Net weight | 1.4 kg | 800 g |
Environmental conditions | |
Temperature | Operating, normal operation: +5 °C to +40 °C Operating, for quoted accuracy: +15 °C to +25 °C Storage: –20 °C to +50 °C |
Humidity | Operating: Up to 85 %RH (non-condensing) at +25 °C. Storage: Up to 95 %RH (non-condensing). |
Altitude | Up to 2000 m |
Pollution | EN 61010 Pollution Degree 2 |
Compliance | |
Compliance | CFR-47 FCC (EMC), EN61326-1:2013 (EMC) and EN61010-1:2010 (LVD) |
Warranty | |
Warranty | 5 years |
[1] These specifications are valid after a 30-minute warm-up period and ±2 °C from firmware calibration temperature.